Events 2023
This space could be YOUR advert for an event we could host. Get in touch and host your own book launch or spoken word event.
The home of new writing, debate about literature and more at Goldsmiths.
Most Wednesdays during term-time 5pm>6pm, Room 137, Richard Hoggart Building, Goldsmiths SE14

For budding writers and enthusiasts of fiction, non-fiction and poetry, here’s a series of free talks with published authors. The Goldsmiths Writers’ Centre has been established to encourage new writing, to stimulate debate about all forms of literature, and create links between the different parts of the college where creative writing takes place.
These talks are FREE – no ticket required, just turn up – listings HERE
Book launch: Travis Jeppesen – Settlers Landing
Thursday 23rd May 6:30pm>8:30pm, The Word Bookshop London SE14 6AF

In Travis Jeppesen’s Settlers Landing, a wholly fantastic yet nightmarishly real excavation of the Trumpian malaise, Mrdok is a self-made billionaire who has everything he wants and needs, and quite often, too much of it. What he does not yet have is his own private island. So when he discovers Sagosia, a former pirate colony in the lost Pseudotropical region known as the Brown Sea, he takes it over the only way he knows how—roughly, and under the guise of “philanthropy.” But merely possessing his own slice of offshore land isn’t enough; together with his algorithmically selected band of .01% elites, he elects to declare sovereignty and launch his very own country. What could possibly go wrong?
This relentlessly inventive narrative, is a brutal and pyrotechnic satire of a very awkward Zeitgeist that mercilessly fracks the dreams of colonial conquest haunting our history, literature, and consciousness.
This is a FREE event, but please contact if you wish to attend.